Please use the field below to search for your participant by name.
Step 1: Make a Donation!
Step 2: Share your student's donation page with family and friends via email, text, facebook or QR Code!
Help students earn Prizes and Rewards!
Let's make our FOAM FUN RUN donation fundraiser the best ever! We are raising money that will go directly to your student’s benefit. There is no door-to-door selling or delivering of products. We will have a ton of fun and have many great activities!
Check back to this site every day to watch the Fit & Fun Training Video! There is a NEW video posted every weekday!
Family and friends from around the globe can support our school by making a donation in support of your student. Sponsors can pay for their donations online with debit/credit or other electronic payments.
Money raised will be used for supporting various student educational and school improvements!
Students will earn REWARDS & PRIZES based on donations gathered.
FUN RUN TIMES - Check back soon
Our Fun Run will be ran with student safety in mind, and will be operated in compliance with CDC recommendations and State policies. More details will be posted to the student page as we get closer to Foam Fun Run day!
Top 10 students will get a ICE CREAM PARTY!
$25 in Donations! - Attend FOAM FUN Run Event!
$50 in Donations! - Flashing Bubble Bracelet!
$100 in Donations! - Light Up Squeeze Mesh Ball !
$150 in Donations! - Light Up Orbit Ball!
$200 in Donations! - Light Up Shutter Glasses!
$300 in Donations! - Flashing Glass and Flashing Mouth Piece!
$400 in Donations! - Inflatable Jumble Mallet!
$600 in Donations! - 4" LED Selfie Light!
$800 in Donations! - Light Up Magic Ball AND Light Up ATV!
$1,000 in Donations! - Jellyfish Lamp!
$2,000 in Donations! - All the above PLUS - $50 Amazon Card
8th Grade only Incentive
All 8th graders will receive 50% on their web site total collections to be deducted their
8th grade amusement park trip ($140) AND/OR your Formal dance Ticket ($65).
All 8th graders who receive $410 on their web site will receive the Amusement Park and Formal Dance for FREE!!!!!!!!!
We couldn’t reach our goal without you! Your generous support is appreciated!
Thank you from everyone at Accokeek Academy!
*Prizes subject to availability-may be substituted with an equal value prize